Trusting that my Greek is not utterly wrong, that is. And Greek is just one of the things that have been poured into me this semester. I feel like a freshman again, so much perspective-shifting knowledge being acquired in such a short period of time that it almost makes me dizzy.
The words of the Bible seem to leap forth from the page now, a process that will but increase with all the Biblical Exposition classes I must take next semester.
As someone who distrusted seminary initially, I admit I am taking to it rather quickly.
But then, it's also not what I expected, nor what I have heard it was. How strange that nearly everything I engage in works out differently for me than its reputation would seem to suggest.
I am sure, of course, that having a clear goal in sight helps. Moving steadily towards the missions field allows me to see my classes not as information that may or may not be applicable to my eventual ministry, but as crucial scraps of information every one of which may be useful at some point in the future. And are useful even now. God has graciously connected me with a number of ministry opportunities that apply directly to the goal toward which I strive, both equipping me for that goal and confirming me in my pursuit of it. I will not jump to conclusions, God may indeed have some other goal than the missions field and Taiwan which He is currently preparing me for and will soon begin steering me closer to, but for now I have only received repeated confirmations that the direction I am facing is the one I should continue in.
And so I look back over a semester, not-yet-completed, in which I began knowing the Greek alphabet, and now can make sense of an imperfect middle/passive indicative Greek verb; in which I began knowing archeology supported the Bible and now know that the ancient city of Ugarit supplied much of our background information on culture in the times of the Patriarchs and Conquest; in which I began knowing that context was crucial in interpreting Scripture, and now know that literary genre forms an essential part of that context; in which I began knowing that spiritual discipline was an area I was deficient in, and now cannot imagine how I have managed all this time without it. God is truly gracious, and it must be true that as far as I have come in one semester of seminary, while an incontrovertible blessing, also pales in comparison with how far I am yet called to go.
And I cannot do this on my own, that much is obvious. Left to myself, I have only picked the path which seemed good to me, only to find that my best intentions often led to painful consequences. And such is still the case. I need Him every day. I am lost without Him. He is the Source which perpetually holds all things together, and the foundation of my world, both tangible and intangible. Truly He is my Light, my Rock, and my Salvation, and forevermore shall be.
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