Saturday, September 28, 2013

Z is Grace

Something that came into my head on a sleepless morning.
To all my friends who love God and math...

                 After creation when all of God's work was done
                 Our relationship boolean was set to 1
                 But the serpent thought his evil victory was won
                 When we tasted the fruit of infinite regression

                 Now man is the denominator living below
                 Our morality mortality; reduced to zero
                 To fix the righteous math would take an infinite hero
                 But only God up above can be infinite, we know

                 To integrate with God our extra C was unknown
                 Then Christ came, constant Savior straight from the Throne
                 Perfect wisdom dividing even marrow from bone
                 Though without sin He volunteered to carry our own
                 The Numerator descended, His people to save
                 But they plotted to kill Him, their minds were depraved
                 Satan thought he'd won again, but God's plan was concave
                 When they put His Son to rest, laid Him down in a grave
                 After 3 days He rose, full of grace none compare
                 Then He made a tangent line from earth ascended the air
                 Now He's back in heaven interposing, waits for us there
                 And when the saints are summed then evil won't be spared...

X is Justice, Y is Mercy

Friday, September 20, 2013

Old or New, Any Distraction Will Do

Along the path to the house of the Lord
Satan fashioned a cunning world

Of endless curiosities, thrilling games
clockwork puzzles and lover's lanes

And bearing more serious types in mind
some mundane tasks of decades' time

And lastly a beautiful terrace on which
to linger, and to linger, and to linger

And watch the rays of the last setting sun
'til home-coming time is over and done

And darkness falls outside.