I decline to crowd-source my conscience.
I decline to believe what you say because you are shouting it, or because you are numerous.
I decline to be guilt-tripped for events or circumstances I had no hand in bringing about;
I also decline to avoid responsibility for my own actions.
I decline to "indulge myself"; it only leads to weakness.
I decline to believe I am entitled to anything from the world merely because I was born.
I decline to accept that being successful puts one in society's debt;
I also decline to ignore my duty to love others.
I decline to follow the hype.
I decline to perpetuate what is false.
I decline to accept average in myself if I know I can do better;
I also decline to join in accepting the lowest common denominator as average.
I decline to subvert my faith to the whims of society.
I decline to keep silent when the truth should be heard.
I decline to make excuses for myself when I fail;
I also decline to hold anyone to a higher standard than that to which I hold myself.
I decline to stop pursuing Truth.
I decline to withhold forgiveness; it was Not Withheld from me.
I decline to pretend disagreement is intolerance;
I also decline to pretend tolerance is love.